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Blogs·18th September 2024·3 min read

Pay your pension some attention

We’re sponsoring this year’s Pension Attention campaign. What’s it all about? How can it help you or your employees? Let’s find out! 

It’s no secret that pensions are unloved in the UK. But they don’t make it easy. From the confusing jargon to the fact that every new job comes with a new pension, it’s hard to keep track of what you have, let alone what you need. 

That’s where the annual Pension Attention campaign comes in. A tonic for pension-induced headaches, it’s a nationwide effort to demystify savings and build some confidence.  

It’s also a friendly reminder that our financial futures depend on these accounts, and a swift kick up the backside to do something about it! 

In the eternal wisdom of TV icon and face of the campaign, Gemma Collins: “It’s time to pay your pension some attention. Yeah baby!” 

How to pay your pension some attention 

This year’s campaign sets three tasks: 

  • Find out if you have any lost pension pot savings

  • Log in to your pension accounts and check what you’ll get when you retire

  • Picture your future self and how much you’ll need 

On the face of it, these aren’t big tasks. But the problem with sorting out workplace pensions is how much we tend to put it off. So if you’re someone who feels anxious even looking at a pension letter, don’t worry about it – you’re not alone!  

Each of the tasks in this year’s campaign come with full video instructions in clear language, making it easy to follow and make progress.  

Check out the campaign home page 

Learning resources from us to you

We’ve whipped up a content hub to help you (or your employees) get the hang of pensions. You’ve got colourful infographics that break down the steps, an A to Z of workplace pension lingo, and lots of ways to pay your pension some attention. 

How we help our customers pay attention

As financial wellbeing is a huge priority for us, we think it’s important to help people foster a better relationship with their savings. So, unlike most pensions, ours is designed to keep you engaged with messages, nudges and helpful hints. 

  • Pension contribution emails every time you pay in

  • App nudges when it’s a good time to check your savings

  • Monthly tips and guides from our financial wellbeing calendar 

And that’s only the stuff on stage. Behind the scenes, our Client Success Managers make things smoother for employers. They work closely with HR and Finance departments, helping to set everything up, welcome employees and explain the benefits, and keep a steady stream of education content flowing.  

The best thing you could do for yourself today?

We really can’t stress enough how important it is to pay your pension some attention, so we’re overjoyed that campaigns like this are in the world and very proud to be a sponsor. 

Please do take some time to make friends with your pension, using all the tips, videos and resources on the official campaign website and our pension content hub. Your future self will thank you! 

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NatWest Cushon